Friday 23 September 2011

High Beeches Primary School Newsletter 23rd September 2011

High Beeches Primary School Newsletter 23rd September 2011 blog edition

I am very pleased to announce that the new High Beeches Primary school website is now live and I would like to thank Mr Ashman for all of his work in developing the site. It is fantastic. It will be regularly updated and will include the weekly newsletter on the blog in the news section. The calendar will be constantly updated to include all of the events this year. There are still some areas which need to be updated but please do have a look at the site.

Well done to the Learners of the week, we are very proud of you all.
The children from w/b 12/09 have been included in this newsletter apologies for their omission last week!
W/b 12. 09
EYFS Harriet Norris – Learning new routines
Yr 1 Will Drake – Getting on independently and making his maths a little better each time
Yr 2 Georgia Cross – Making changes to her work in order to improve it
Yr 3 Sam Crawford – For understanding how to improve his maths
Yr 4 Zac Sharp – For recognising what he could do to improve his maths
Yr 5 Jessica Nottingham – For recognising how to improve her presentation and her maths
Yr 6 Corey Fletcher – For improving his work independently

W/b 19.09
EYFS Ben Rodger –Improvement in all areas
Yr 1 Anastasia Herries – For getting on independently and knowing how to make work better
Yr 2 Joel Shankland – Trying to improve his writing with better connectives
Yr 3 Mary Kershaw – For recognising a mistake and how to improve it
Yr 4 Leila Coker – Understanding how to improve her work and working on it
Yr 5 Bo Bowra – Improving her maths and recognising her achievement on the class board
Yr 6 James Plumb – Improving and making adjustments to work

We have noticed a few parents/carers parking in the school car park before and after school. Please do not park in the car park; the car park is for staff only. Parents/carers must not use the car park. I have had concerns raised about parking and driving in and around school. The roads and pavements are very busy around the school in the mornings and afternoons. Please park considerately and take care when driving.

Infant children should be dropped off at the Yr 1 canopy in the morning. The cloakroom is not large enough for adults to enter with the children and we are constantly trying to promote independence. If you wish to speak to the class teacher please make an appointment at the school office.
I hope that you have an enjoyable weekend.
Paul Driver

Learning logs
Next Friday each child in the school will be bringing home a Learning Log which we have introduced in order to address concerns over homework throughout the school. These are designed to support and reinforce the teaching that has taken place in the classroom throughout the week. For parents/carers, this will keep you informed about what your child is learning in school and offer the opportunity to support and further extend their learning. Learning Logs are a different way for your children to do homework, they will not replace existing tasks but will be completed alongside these.
They are not optional and should be completed weekly. The work is set on a Friday and should be submitted by the following Wednesday. Details of how the Learning Log is to be completed can be found inside the front cover. Learning Logs are used successfully in many schools in order to enable children to access homework at their own level and to be creative. We will monitor the impact throughout the term and look forward to a positive response

Pupil Success
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Thomas Huntley (Yr 6) who has passed his gold medal award for trumpet with excellence. He was also awarded the batsman of the year award for the U 11 Harpenden Cricket Club.
Corey Fletcher (Yr 6) Who was voted player of the week for the U 11 team at the OV’s rugby club

Netball club
There will be no netball club on Monday 3rd October as Mrs Draycon will be on a visit with her Year 2 class.

Board game club
Mrs Rogers (Yr 5 TA) will be starting a board game club after half term. If you have any unwanted board games in good condition we would appreciate any donations in order to add to our collection in school.

St Albans Cathedral Music Trust Competition
The competition is open to all young musicians in the St Albans Area, with four entry categories across Primary and Secondary schools: Solo Instrument, classical ensemble, vocal ensemble and popular ensemble. Winners will be invited to perform at a spectacular ‘celebration of music’ event in the Abbey on Saturday 5th May 2012. For an entry form please speak to Mrs Brannon in the school office. Entries must be received no later than 21st October 2011 forms can also be downloaded at

Please ensure that only fabric hairbands/ small hairclips in school colours are worn in school. We have also had to remind a number of children that hair gel should not be applied to hair for school.

Town Mayor Christmas Poster Competition
Attached to the newsletter are details of the poster competition. We have had a number of successful entries into this competition in recent years, many children across the town enjoy entering their artwork.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Newsletter 16.09.11 Blog Edition

Newsletter 16.09.11 Blog Edition

Thank you to all of the Parents/ Carers who attended the recent helpers meeting. If you were unable to attend the meeting and would be interested in volunteering please speak to Mrs Brannon. As a small school we do not have a large number of adults in the school however we welcome and appreciate any support that you can offer. You may be able to offer to support with tasks in school for example changing reading books, or you may prefer to work in a class supporting the learning or at a school club.

As we are at the beginning of the school year it is a good time to remind the children of a few of the ground rules regarding the playground in the morning and after school. No children are to use the trim trail or play train before or after school as they are not insured to do so. Children should not be riding scooters on the playground or be staying behind after the end of school for a game of football. As tempting as it may be the school day is over and for insurance purposes the children are required to leave the site as quickly and safely as possible.

A number of requests for term time family holidays have been sent into school recently. The school cannot grant authorisation for any absence other than exceptional or unavoidable circumstances. Any holiday during term time can be damaging to educational progress for a number of reasons. Our numbers of absences are closely monitored by the Local Authority and each term we have to report on the number of unauthorised absences. The school has targets set by the Local Authority for absence and unauthorised absence and if the targets are not met we have to explain the reasons behind this. Individual unauthorised absences are recorded on annual reports to parents. We will not authorise any leave from school during the month of May 2012 as many assessments are completed during this time including SATs.
I realise that it is tempting to book during a school week in order to gain a reduction in price or to avoid any queues. However, please do remember, that any absence has an impact on both the children and the school.

I hope that you have an enjoyable weekend.

Paul Driver

FOHBS Meeting: Monday 19 September
FOHBS will be meeting at 7.30 pm on Monday 19 September at school to kick off the planning process for fundraising for this academic year. If you are interested in joining us or just want to come along and find out what happens then please do come along, we always welcome new members. Alternatively, you can speak to one of us in the playground. Currently we are: Fiona Ryan (years 3 & 6), Kim Hindle (year 6), Andrew Dadswell (year 3), Claire Norman (years 4 & 3), Louise Piper (year 3), Tracey Norris (years R, 4 & 5), Donna Mountain (years r & 2) and Lydia Beckett (year 1).

Pupil Success
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Josh Dooley (Yr 5) who was awarded the best all rounder trophy for the Harpenden Cricket Club U9 team

Junior Wind Band Day
St Alban’s Music School is running two Junior Wind Band Days for woodwind, brass and percussion players of Grade 1 – 3 standards. The Days are Wednesday 19th October and Thursday 10th November from 9.30am – 3.00pm. The aim of each day is to give young people the opportunity of playing in an ensemble. There will be a short presentation at 2.45pm to which parents are warmly invited. For an application form speak to Mrs Brannon or Mrs Murray places are limited. The cost for the day is £15

Tuesday 13th September ............... Parent Helpers Meeting 9 am school Hall
Friday 16th September..................... Class newsletters home
Monday 19th September ................. Clubs start
Monday 19th September.................. FOHBs meeting 7.30pm in school
Tuesday 27th September ................ International Day
Wednesday 28th September ........... Yr 4 to Verulamium
Friday 30th September..................... MacMillan Coffee Morning 9.45am
w/b 3rd October .............................. Book Week
Monday 3rd October ....................... Yr 2 London transport museum visit
Monday 10th October ..................... Individual photos – new photographer Val Cols details to follow
Thursday 13th October ................... Yr 6 St Albans Crown court visit
W/B 17th October ........................... Walk to School Week
Friday 21st October ........................ Half term ends
Thursday 3rd November .................. Parent Consultations 5-8pm
Friday 4th November ....................... Junior and infant disco
Wednesday 9th November ............. Parent Consultations 3.30pm – 6.30pm
W/B Nov 14th ................................. Anti Bullying Week
Friday 18th November ..................... Children in Need
Wednesday 23rd November ........... Open Morning for EYFS starters 2012 – 9.30 – 11.30
Wednesday 30th November ........... Open Morning for EYFS starters 2012 – 9.30 – 11.30
Friday 25th November .......... Occasional Day – School closed
Wednesday 7th December.............. Rotary Carol Concert
Thursday 8th December .................. Nativity @ 2pm
Friday 9th December ....................... Open Morning for EYFS starters 2012 – 9.30 – 11.30
Friday 9th December ....................... Nativity @ 6.30pm
Tuesday 13th December ................. Whole School Panto Visit PM
Friday 16th December ..................... Term Ends @ 2pm

Monday 5 September 2011

Newsletter Blog edition
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the school year. It has been an excellent year for the school. I would like to thank all of the members of staff, the Governors and members of FOHBs for all that they have done for the school and the children throughout the year. I would also like to thank all of the parents / carers for all the support that you have offered throughout the year.

I would like to wish all of the children that are leaving the school the very best for their future. We will miss you all but I am certain that you will have a fantastic time at your new schools.

Thank you to all of the children, parents and carers who have given me gifts today. It really is very kind and much appreciated.

Attached with the newsletter are details for the Breakfast Club. Apex multi sports will be initially offering a Monday morning club as this was the only day that we had enough children to attend. If there are enough numbers to hold the club on other days Apex will then be able to run clubs. The minimum for the club to run is six children. The coach will be available on Mon 12th Sept to discuss options and this will be a free taster session.

Well done to the pupil of the week, we are very proud of you.
Year 3 Krishna Patel

I hope that you all have a fantastic summer and a well earned rest. We look forward to welcoming back all of the returning children on Monday 5th September.

Paul Driver

Willow Court building work
Work has begun on a 20 bed extension to Willow Court Care Home which is adjacent to High Beeches School. Due to a high demand for elderly care in Harpenden, Quantum Care is working in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council to develop additional bedrooms and living space at the Home.
The extension will consist of two 10 bedded units which will be directly connected to the existing building. The works will be carried out by ISG Jackson, who have a great deal of experience of working within care environments, and also within schools.
Representatives from Quantum Care and ISG Jackson have been to visit the school to discuss the health and safety of both children and parents during the construction process. We have agreed that representatives from ISG Jackson will come along to a school assembly in September to talk to the children about keeping safe near building sites.

Pupil Success
Congratulations to the following pupils:
Naomi Gosling (Yr 6) who wrote a song which is currently no 7 in the chart (age band up to 19!). It’s called “I took you for granted”
Arun Osborn (Yr 4) who has passed the Bronze Level Swimming Award
Elina Osborn (Yr 1) who has passed her Level 4 Swimming Award
Alex Card and Nick Bailey (Yr 6 ) who both play for the Harpenden Under 11 Cricket team who were crowned County champions on Sunday after beating Watford Town CC in the final
Rachel Leith (Yr 6) who has achieved a Distinction in her Grade 3Performance Arts exam
Erin Gibbs (Yr R) who has been awarded the Silver certificate from the Penny Waterman school of Dance
Alexandra Batchelor (Yr R) who has passed her Duckling Grade 4 Swimming Award
Lewis Poulter (Yr 2) who has passed his 100m Swimming award and Stage One National Swimming Award
Oscar Ryan (Yr 2) who has been awarded his Silver Certificate in Kwik Cricket
Shobiyhaa Suresh (Yr 4) who has passed her Grade One with distinction playing the Bharatanatyam
Lauren Mountain (Yr 1) who has achieved a second place and was awarded a Silver Medal for trampolining
Elina Osborn (Yr 1) who has received her Level 4 British Gymnastics Proficiency Award
Georgia Clothier (Yr 4) who has passed her Grade One Piano exam with Distinction

E Safety
We spend a great deal of time teaching the children about the importance of e safety. As issues arise it is also important that these are shared and discussed at home. is a social networking site used by many secondary aged pupils and occasionally younger children. It is based around users asking and answering certain questions, often anonymously. The local authority is increasingly hearing of Cyber Bullying concerns related to the use of this site and have asked schools to pass on guidance. Guidance from CEOPS is attached with the newsletter.

Friday 2nd September ...................... INSET DAY
Monday 5th September .................. Autumn Term begins
Thursday 8th September .................. Parent Helpers Meeting @ 9 am school Hall
Monday 12th September ................. Clubs start
Tuesday 27th September ................. International Day
Wednesday 28th September ........... Yr 4 to Verulamium
w/b 3rd October ............................. Book Week
Monday 10th October ..................... Individual photos – new photographer Val Cols details to follow
Friday 21st October ......................... Half term ends
Thursday 3rd November ................... Parent Consultations (Provisional Date) 5-8pm
Wednesday 9th November ............. Parent Consultations (Provisional Date) 3.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 18th November ..................... Children in Need
Friday 25th November ..................... Occasional Day – School closed
Thursday 8th December .................. Nativity (Provisional Date) @ 6.30pm
Friday 9th December ....................... Nativity (Provisional Date) @ 6.30pm
Tuesday 13th December .................. Whole School Panto Visit PM
Friday 16th December ..................... Term Ends @ 2pm